Become a contributor and share your knowledge! Are you a responsible pet owner? Do you work in the veterinary industry? Have you experience in animal behaviour and training? Do you work on behalf of animals in a shelter or charity? If so, and if you feel you have valuable knowledge or experience to share, please get in touch and be a part of the pet friendly community.
Animal Welfare Act (2006); “Animal Welfare Act 2006“;
Dangerous Dogs Act (1991); “Dangerous Dogs Act 1991“;
Fecava (2016); “Working towards responsible dog trade – the position of the veterinary profession in Europe”;
Orritt, R. (2016); “Advancing animal welfare science: Sharing knowledge, debating issues“; Veterinary Record; 23 July 2016
PDSA (2019); “PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report“;
Pettit, H. (2016); “Inbreeding has destroyed the English Bulldog’s genetic diversity“; New Scientist: Issue 3085; 29 July 2016
Sandøe, P.; Kondrup, S.V.; Bennett, P.C., et al (2017); “Why do people buy dogs with potential welfare problems related to extreme conformation and inherited disease?“; PLoS ONE; 24 February 2017
Veterinary Record (2015); “Dog breeders in the modern age“; Veterinary Record; 18 April 2015
Veterinary Record (2016); “A job to do on pet welfare“; Veterinary Record; 3 December 2016
Waters, A. (2017); “Brachycephalic tipping point: Time to push the button?“; Veterinary Record; 25 March 2017
Broom, D.M.; Fraser, A.F.; (2015); “Domestic Animal Behaviour & Welfare“; CABI; UK
Stafford, K. (2007); “The Welfare of Dogs“; Springer; The Netherlands
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