Become a contributor and share your knowledge! Are you a responsible pet owner? Do you work in the veterinary industry? Have you experience in animal behaviour and training? Do you work on behalf of animals in a shelter or charity? If so, and if you feel you have valuable knowledge or experience to share, please get in touch and be a part of the pet friendly community.
Bradshaw, J.; Casey, R.A.; Brown, S.L.; (2012); ‘The Behaviour of the Domestic Cat’; CABI; UK
McCune, S.; (1995); “The impact of paternity and early socialisation on the development of cat’s behaviour to people & novel objects”; Applied Animal Behaviour Science; Vol 45, Issues 1-2, October 1995, pages 109-124; elsevier;
Bradshaw, J.; (2014); ‘Cat Sense‘; Penguin; UK
Turner,D.; Bateson, P.(2014); ‘The Domestic Cat: The Biology of its Behaviour’; Cambridge University Press; UK
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